2007年10月24日 星期三

20071021後勁慈雲宮的慶典ceremony of Houjin Che Yun Gon, Kaohsiung

每年農曆九月九日 高雄市後勁慈雲宮都有慶典活動 規模不大但是儀式不少 大抵 從月前就開始有零星的程序進行 為因應現代人的作息 規模較大的過平安橋儀式 選在最接近的週日進行 Every lunar Spet. 9th is the prominent ceremony of Houjin Che Yun Gon(HJCYG). The temple is at Houjin area, Nan-Tze district, Kaohsiung(not far from Tsoying). Of course, one of the gods is God of Prince, whose birthday is lunar Sept. 9 th The interior is all the gods in this temple, Taoism, Buddhism....

農曆九月九日是太子爺的生日 也是重陽節 在漢民族敬老尊賢的傳統原則的影響 成為一個全民重視的日子 因此太子爺成為當人不讓的主角 真是有意思The chief of this day is God of Prince, Tai-Tze-Ya. There is a ceremony as pass the Safe-Bridge. The god is in front of the bridge and beliver pass the bridge then pray by the taoist, in popular suit.
