2008年4月7日 星期一


高雄後勁慈雲宮 春季祭典為配合"觀自在菩薩"誕辰(農曆2月19日) 於20080323舉行 The regular ceremony of Spring Festival at Che-Yun Temple, Hou-Jin, Kaohsiung is correlated to birthday of Guan-Shi-In Buddha, lunar Feb. 19(March 26 2008). For the convenience of belivers, it is moving to more early as March 23 2008, just on Sunday.
除了 恆例之祈禱儀式外 也有過平安橋 ''消災解運 祈福 增健''的活動 As well as regular prayer ceremony, there is also an "across the peaceful bridge"program.

眾善男信女 聚集一堂 熱鬧非常
宮廟本座 建於住宅區 寧靜中自有一番愉悅 The belivers are together quietly and happy.

