2007年9月4日 星期二

20070901高雄市義民廟中元普渡及大豬公比賽Big Pig Competition

高雄市三民區寶珠溝義民廟的大豬公比賽 每年於農曆七月二十日在此舉行 今年的冠軍重1077台斤(約650 公斤?) 2006 年(20060813)是1360 台斤(有照片比較)


大豬公比賽 1960年代前 是在高雄火車站前河邊舉行 日期都是農曆七月十五日 "八七水災"後 政府倡導節約 改為七月二十日 又因飼主多為客籍人士 遂遷至新建之義民廟舉行
高雄市的客籍人士 多為桃竹苗遷來(分布自鳳山至凹仔底) 與臺灣南部的六堆同鄉會之客籍人士不同(分布於高雄縣美濃鎮 杉林鄉 甲仙鄉 六龜鄉 屏東縣高樹鄉 長治鄉 麟洛鄉 萬巒鄉 內埔鄉 新埤鄉 竹田鄉...等) 因此 義民廟的崇拜 與六堆忠義祠的 大異其趣
請注意 道士的道袍不同於"紅頭師公"者
The Big Pig Competiton is held regular at lunar July 20(this year is Sept.01) with Chun-Yuan-Pu-Du at Yi-Ming (honor people) Temple. The Pig Champion is weight about 650 kg.( lightly less than last year 2006, 816 kg.). The Goat Champion is horn of 2 taiwan feet( about 0.6066 meter)The feast is held on lunar July 15 every year and at the riverside in front of Kaohsiung Station before 1960 era when the "87 floods" happened, then the day is changed to July 20 and the place is moved to here, for the feeding families are almost the hakka series.
The hakka series among Kaohsiung( distributed from Fengshan to Lam-Ya-Di of Shanming District, Kaohsiung City) is moved from Northern Taiwan( including Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli named "Taochumiao"), quite different from Southern Taiwan(as Liuoduei, six groups). The difference is more prominent on the prayer of Yi-Ming Ya, for northern hakka, and for Chung-Yi Gon, for whom at southern.
The clothing of Taoist is different from other site of Kaohsiung.
