2007年10月2日 星期二

20070930 右昌地區廟會活動--煎油鼎

右昌(又名右沖)地區 位於高雄市西北方鄰近左營 其地理位置相近 許多民間活動也很頻繁 當日的廟會在右昌福德廟出現高潮 "煎油鼎"是民俗活動中驅逐惡煞的一種 1960年代之後 在左營已不多見 右昌地區 人文興盛, 楊仲鯨先生是漢民族 也是 臺灣第一位民選縣長 (1950年前後的花蓮縣長) 他就就是右昌人 其弟 楊清溪先生 是臺灣早期的飛行員 也是第一位 空難的犧牲者

The ceremony, Chein-Yu-Ding(to burning on an oil pot), is to defeat and expel the devils or ghosts, is a taoist style. It is rare since the late 1960 era on Tsoying. The movie is take at Yo-Chan, a suburban at northwest of Kaohsiung, near Tsoying.The Y0-Chan is a famous area for there are many persons noted on the Taiwan history. i.e.: Mr. Chong-Chin Yang(楊仲鯨), the first popular-elected head of a county--Hua-LienCounty-- in Taiwan, even in Chinese history, who's young brother Mr.Chin-Shi Yang(楊清溪), is a pilot in early flight history among the world and a first immolater of aircraft accident in Taiwan. Both are alumni of Chiu-Chen elementary school,Tsoying.


www.rti.org.tw/Taiwan/TaiwanHistory.aspx?id=234&Month=3 - 102k
